Tuesday, January 25, 2011


the days fly by
faster than imagination/ur vision
the pain inflicted by you
still stings as bad as new
everything seems to fade away
i will give anything away
can anyone drive this pain away
nothing seems to help anymore
neither dope nor drugs can give a way,
never felt this so down before
but why is this pain never forgotten?
why cant this be forgotten.....

every minute seems to linger
time seems to have stopped
now its all bitter memories left
for me to put past
never could tell you that
part of my life were you
if you could feel in a similar manner.........

wish i had never felt that way
never gave way to my feelings
never allowed anyone
to make me feel like shit
should have given time for
the righteous owner
never felt this miserable before
why cant this be forgotten.....

we had spent hours on the above lines....but just couldn't find the right tunes.....even some parts still remain undecided......:(


  1. me and buddy used to sit down and try to give music to my lines....serious time pass tha.....
    before leaving ek full gaana ho paya tha.....
