Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Death and Salvation.....

A very rare experience for me - emotional turmoil.......i 'm beyond limits a logical and practical bloke.....some scattered events have stirred up some yet unfelt emotions........its strange though but i can fully concentrate on my work stuff....but these feelings that i have chose to ignore for this long is cropping up like this.....though these words may seem utterly unrelated to the title but on reading this one would understand that its no so...........its not suicidal or so in any context......here it goes...

Death and Salvation!!!!

treading alone, no one along
this life i have dwelt all alone
never allowing, never seeking
expectations none, not even craving
grief of seperation i have had but one
with steel wants to face when it comes.....
the moment of salvation!!!!
the point of salvation!!!!

pain and suffering are strewn
after the seam breaks its hard to be swen
its life for all
one can stand only after forcing a fall
justified by time and tale
authority or common all faces the gale
culminatimg in death!!!
granting a shot at salvation!!!!

screwed by all, betrayed by the trusted
decieved by promises, tricked into being expected...
it all turned out to be hollow
naivity today is just shallow
brother come and shout
its time i took charge of my bout
till my death!!!!
claming my salvation!!!!