Friday, November 20, 2009


well we often feel that we r all alone in this dark and dirty world......we r standing alone somewhere and nobody is near us or even close to us....this is a pretty serious situation and this is what i have tried to describe here.....this just brings out the real loneliness that one faces and the ways that one craves to get out of it also.....also superstitions and misconceptions lead us to darkness of intellect and judgement.....more so a way devoid of any spiritual guidance or satanism can lead us into darkness...but whatever it is it stays along with us until and unless we try to redeem ourselves or correct ourselves to make us feel better...this way of redemption should come from one's own self and not through the guidance of some tom dick n harry........
so here is how it goes.......


standing alone in the dark
engulfed in loneliness
waiting for a bark
to know i am not the only one to caress
not a soul to be felt
not a ray of light
seems like i have dwelt
my entire life without a fight
in darkness of my faith
ignorance and blindness
filled with darkness!!!

trying to find a gleam
searching a way out
trying to see if i can dream
with eyes open, but its darkness all around
like a fallen warrior i try
fighting till my last
giving it all till the ultimate/last cry
but can see hope fade away fast
in the darkness of defeat
exhaustion and weariness
filled with darkness!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey:)
    Thanks for checking out & following my blog:)
    Also, thanks for the comment:)
    I like your blog. Your poems are deep and have a very interesting construction. Each line seems like an interrupted thought but they all come together into a very interesting, intense and deep piece of poetry.
